Louis Marelle - CNRS researcher - LATMOS, Paris, France
Research focus
I am part of the "Polar regions" and "Atmospheric Composition" research departments at
the LATMOS-IPSL laboratory.
I study the composition of the atmosphere, aerosols, clouds and precipitation. I am
especially intested in the interactions between atmospheric composition and climate change in the polar regions.
My main research tools are regional atmospheric models, especially the WRF and
WRF-Chem models. I co-develop and maintain an updated version of the WRF-Chem model well-tested in the arctic region,
available on Github (link, updates in dev/
branches). I also use large model ensembles, and multiscale observations of the atmosphere such as surface in-situ
measurements, aircraft and icebreaker campaigns, satellites, ground based remote sensing, and radiosondes.
Contact information
Louis Marelle
Sorbonne Université - LATMOS
Tour 45-46, Bureau 312
4, Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 5, FRANCE
Email: louis.marelle@latmos.ipsl.fr
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 27 84 45